

slowクエリをサマリにするツールでPostgreSQLではpqaを使っているのだけど、pqa=「PostgreSQL query analysis」の略だと勝手に思っていたのだが、「Practical query analysis」の略であることを知る。つまりMySQLのログにも対応しているようだ。MySQLだと標準付属の「mysqldumpslow」を使うのが常套っぽいのだけど、一応結果ファイルを全部眺めないとどれが一番多い回数(Queries that took up the most time)とかがわからないで困っていたのでこれは期待できそう。※そんなに多種のslowクエリを吐いていることが問題かもしれないけど…

# pqa(Practical query analysis) Project

Note: に「MySQL users, please stick with 1.4 for now, thanks!」とあったからpqa-1.4という古いバージョン(現行最新1.6)だとMySQLのログも食わせることができることを確認。



######## Overall statistics
######## Queries by type
######## Queries that took up the most time
######## Slowest queries
######## Most frequent queries


PB:~ yokoyama$ ruby /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/pqa-1.4/lib/pqa.rb -logtype mysql -file /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/pqa-1.4/sample/mysql_sample.log
######## Overall statistics
241 queries (96 unique) parsed in 0.29746 seconds
######## Queries by type
SELECTs: 239 (99%)
UPDATEs: 2 (1%)
######## Most frequent queries
23 times: SELECT name, query, linkinfooter FROM namedqueries WHERE userid = 165
23 times: SELECT mybugslink, realname, groupset, blessgroupset FROM profiles WHERE userid = 165
23 times: select name, (bit & 9223372036854775807) != 0 from groups
23 times: SELECT profiles.userid, profiles.groupset, profiles.login_name, profiles.login_name = ‘’ AND logincookies.ipaddr = ‘′, profiles.disabledtext FROM profiles, logincookies WHERE logincookies.cookie = ‘141′ AND profiles.userid = logincookies.userid
18 times: select (bit & 9223372036854775807) != 0 from groups where name = ‘editbugs’
6 times: select (bit & 9223372036854775807) != 0 from groups where name = ‘canconfirm’
6 times: SELECT bit, name, description, (bit & 0 != 0), (bit & 9223372036854775807 != 0) FROM groups WHERE isbuggroup != 0 AND *1 OR (bit & 0 != 0))
5 times: SELECT name FROM fielddefs
4 times: SELECT bugs.bug_id FROM bugs LEFT JOIN cc selectVisible_cc ON bugs.bug_id = selectVisible_cc.bug_id AND selectVisible_cc.who = 165 WHERE *2 OR (bugs.assigned_to = 165)) AND bugs.bug_id = 13121
4 times: SELECT login_name,realname FROM profiles WHERE userid = 165

*1:isactive = 1 AND (bit & 9223372036854775807 != 0

*2:bugs.groupset & 9223372036854775807) = bugs.groupset OR (bugs.reporter_accessible = 1 AND bugs.reporter = 165) OR (bugs.cclist_accessible = 1 AND selectVisible_cc.who = 165 AND not isnull(selectVisible_cc.who